
Guthrie Govan - 到目前为止


在这个世界上一切都很棒的世界中,没有人快乐,当我被告知我要采访我的吉他老师时,我感到非常高兴。我从未见过Guthrie Govan,但是在过去的十年中,我一直在研究他的《吉他技术》杂志的课程。吉他技术称他为“世界上最令人发指的吉他手”,任何研究他的专栏的人都会发誓这一事实。Govan的比赛很棒,但他有一位超级有效的老师的罕见礼物。地球上一些最伟大的吉他演奏者是烂老师,因此他给吉他社区的东西不会让我失去。

他不仅采用复杂的音乐理论概念,并使它们可以理解像我这样的慢孩子,而且他还抄录和解释了大师的工作,因此我们较少的球员可以得到它。他可以心跳加速从阿尔伯特·金(Albert King)到艾伦·霍尔兹沃思(Allan Holdsworth),然后出现在自己的演出中,成为他的纯洁自我。

If you’re wondering how Govan got where he is today, here’s the scoop: He replaced Steve Howe in the prog-rock band Asia from 2001 to 2006, he teaches guitar clinics all over the place, he is the author of two books, Creative Guitar 1: Cutting Edge Techniques and Creative Guitar 2: Advanced Techniques, and he is currently prepping for a follow-up to his first solo record Erotic Cakes. You could call Govan a “guitar player’s guitar player,” but there’s a lot more going on with him than that. My time spent with him revealed an artist searching for something deeper than creating a guitar chops record. For certain, he was blessed with having achieved technical virtuosity at an early age (his first gig was at age five), but today he’s on a spiritual path to use his talents to not only speak to guitar players, but to lovers of fine music as well.



Guthrie Govan:试图完成我的下一张专辑。事情不断阻碍,这很好。在这种经济气氛中,太忙并不是任何人都应该抱怨的问题。目前,我的政策是对所有事情说“是”,现在要尽可能多地工作,当我认为我可以养活几个月时,开始对所有事情说“不”。我只是将自己锁在一个房间里,画窗帘,然后尝试一口气制作专辑。我想从初始写作阶段到,好吧,现在已经准备好将活鼓准备在上面。我只想在一个时期内完成所有操作。下一张专辑应该是我一生中所在的地方的快照。


戈万:我一直在忙于做样本重播。舞蹈音乐人将进行演示,并拿出四个詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown)循环或类似的东西。其中很多是旧的迪斯科东西或红辣椒。当是时候发布记录时,他们意识到出于法律原因或财务原因,他们无法使用原始记录中的实际循环。有些公司重新创建了这些循环,并吸引其他音乐家尝试获得相同的音调。他们基本上试图提出该循环的传真。


戈万:是的,我做了很多吉他和一些低音。这对我的迪斯科低音演奏很有好处。[笑]我假装是贝斯手。我无意中发现自己在Dizzee Rascal的最新专辑中播放了样本重播能力。他是英国最重要的说唱歌手。英国广播公司(BBC)接近他。他们做了一个叫做电舞会的事情,在那里他们吸引了受欢迎的艺术家,并试图将他们置于不寻常的背景下。在他们与乐团一起演奏的绿洲的前一年。为此,他们希望说唱歌手Dizzee与摇滚乐队和合唱团一起演奏。因此,我最终参加了这支乐队的电视演出,其中有二十个式的弦乐部分。 There were horns, a male voice choir, and then me just shredding and playing acoustic! I played about five minutes of every musical style known to man. It was a really fun gig. I think Dizzee liked it as well and saw real potential in doing the rap thing a little bit differently. So, I’ve been gigging a lot with him lately. It’s like missionary work. [laughing]



戈万:这是一个有趣而长的故事。当键盘播放器杰夫·唐斯(Geoff Downes)发现与所有原始成员进行聚会之旅是不可抗拒的:史蒂夫·豪(Steve Howe),约翰·韦特顿(John Wetton)和卡尔·帕尔默(Carl Palmer)无法抗拒。他们想庆祝这张巨大的第一张专辑的25周年。它创造了一个尴尬的情况,原始家伙显然想出去并被称为亚洲,因为他们是。在过去的十到十五年中一直在演奏所有亚洲乐队的乐队,这几乎是我所在的乐队。他们显然是亚洲,但我们做到了。它分为两个派系,我与之一起演奏的乐队以约翰·佩恩(John Payne)为特色的亚洲重命名为亚洲,这是因为他对乐队近年来所做的一切都具有巨大的创意投入。如果您被称为约翰·佩恩(John Payne)的亚洲,那里还有另一个亚洲,它会影响您可以得到的演出。这种情况是,那个乐队中的其他所有人都住在洛杉矶地区,我住在伦敦附近,所以我们在节日或赌场中获得一次性演出。每次参加演出时,我都必须从伦敦飞往洛杉矶的11个小时才能进行演出,然后将所有装备整理好,然后也许飞往费城去做演出。 Then fly back to LA so I could cash in on my return ticket to get back to London. It was a week out of my life and a world of jet lag, and another week of feeling ill once I got home. I just couldn’t justify doing it. It was killing me. I loved the guys to death. I really enjoyed playing with them, but in the end I had to say, You should get an American guy who will appreciate this gig, rather than the guy who is doing it out of love or whatever. Those guys have been working with Mitch Perry, so I think that’s going to be a good thing.


戈万:并不真地。我有足够的材料来制作新专辑,但我不想那样做。您想在一次大镜头中做到这一切。是的。我尝试了一种制作专辑的方法,这是我二十年前写的一些音乐,十年前写的一些音乐,以及我最近写的一对夫妇。这是我多年来所做的大量庞大的企业。我知道制作一张听起来像这样的专辑的感觉。我想以相反的方式探索这样做,以便我可以学习有关整个工作过程的知识。这更多的是关于连续性,并且能够在一段时间内提出所有内容。我发现,如果您只需几天就将自己锁定在世界其他地方,那么您逐渐就以正确的方式开始生气。 You start to feel more creative and then you’re surprised at what comes out. So, rather than planning what kind of album it’s going to be, the plan is to lock myself away, go slightly mad and see what comes out.

吉他:在您的专栏中,您将所有人从罗本·福特(Robben Ford)到Yngwie转录。这如何为您的个人风格提供信息?

戈万:我要做的核心是要成为一个孩子,并听很多奶油时代的Clapton,Hendrix,Alex Harvey Band等等。它正在锻炼披头士乐队的和弦进度,Clapton Blues Licks或其他。一直是用我的耳朵。我一生中从未上过吉他课。


戈万:是的。我发现一般而言,我一直在首先学会某些东西,然后去图书馆阅读内容,并找出该声音的名字。当我还是个孩子的时候,我记得有一张Joe Pass Virtuoso专辑,并试图制作一些深奥的和谐,我从未在Chuck Berry或Beatles专辑中听过这些和谐:这些和弦是什么?我不知道他们叫什么!因此,我会尝试找到听起来像这样的形状。然后,您将形状与该声音相关联。然后六个月后,您正在阅读一本图书馆书中的和弦:我知道!我只是不知道有一个字!这样,您可以将新内容纳入更自然的方式中。我认为,如果您坐在一本秤上说:“今天我要征服Lydian的主导地位”,您最终会知道所有这些形状并以一定的速度玩耍。 You still have to assimilate that into the more subconscious side of how you play. How do you make that feel as natural as the blues licks that come so easily to most of us? It’s tough when you learn something that way round. It’s just a cold morsel of theory. I’ve seen so many people over the years where you give them a minor pentatonic shape and they will play beautiful well-phrased musical stuff, because they don’t have to think about it anymore. It’s imprinted on them on some very basic level. So then you say, “Can you play modally or put in some chromatic notes?” Suddenly the musical player isn’t there anymore. You can hear that they’re thinking too hard to play anything that’s meaningful. So I’m quite glad I learned the other way around.




戈万:它发现许多布鲁斯玩家都使用相同的布鲁斯盒子和相同的舔,但是我知道是弗雷迪·金,阿尔伯特·金还是B.B. King。这是同一张音符,但我知道它是哪个家伙。这是关于您的演奏方式以及您试图说出最好的话的语气。有时,错误的音调以正确的音调和正确的攻击效果更好,而不是冷漠的完美音符。我花了很多时间试图使我的一把吉他和一个放大器听起来像所有这些不同的玩家。我真的很高兴我花时间这样做。另一个顿悟是吉米·亨德里克斯(Jimi Hendrix)。主角演奏和和弦演奏之间没有分歧。“小翼”有节奏的部分,但其中有旋律。另一个极端是“整个守望塔”,这是我最喜欢的时刻之一。 It’s very disciplined, organized Jimi. He composed the solo in all these different sections and one of them is “Oh, you’re inventing funk rhythm guitar playing and you’re doing it in the solo!” That blur between those two camps I thought was a really interesting thing. It really helped a lot with my rhythm playing and the idea that you don’t have to be stuck in a block.

弗兰克·扎帕(Frank Zappa)是他的顿悟,他的话。我有一天才明白。有一阵子,我喜欢音乐的一切,但是我不太确定吉他弹奏:这个家伙是天才,还是他真的不玩?然后我有一天得到了。他的措辞就像人们说话一样,这就是为什么当您看到它写下来时看起来如此可怕的原因。很难量化这些东西,但是当我们讲话时,我们都这样说。我们讲话时会有一个浮动的节奏,因此听到它的声音很有意义。当您将其放在任何类型的脉冲后面时,它将成为一件非常有趣的事情。


戈万:我想我必须说我的签名吉他。[笑]如果我帮助设计了它,但我仍然不喜欢它,那会出了点问题。这是Suhr制作的桃花心木野兽。有一个新版本刚刚出现。它有桃花心木脖子,固定的脖子,桃花心木的身体,几乎没有完成。这几乎是一块共振树。它有大品牌和PAU FERRO FRETBOARD,我认为这是玻利维亚玫瑰木。它比其他玫瑰木要困难。它具有适度的输出拾音器,不太大声。如果拾音器变得太肉,您会失去吉他的一些特征,这真是可耻。 It’s two Suhr humbuckers with a single-coil in the middle. The push-push switch is set so you can get different flavors, so it’s something of a Tele. You can get the neck coil and the bridge coil. You can get a Mark Knopler sound or a Stevie Ray sound. I was raised on old-style amps. An amp with four channels is a luxury I’ve never known, so I’ve always tried to do things with the volume knob. There’s a lot of new sounds in any guitar if you explore what the volume knob does. The switch was born out of a desire to be able to set the volume knob to that perfect sweet spot where you can get a clean tone through an overdriven amp. It’s just loud enough and just clean enough, and then it remembers that when you switch to the solo sound. It’s a simple button you can push on the guitar. It’s the bridge pickup straight into the output jack of the guitar for maximum meat. Then when you push the button again, the guitar remembers the volume knob being in your favorite place. I love that.


