
Interview: Eric Church – Church Of Rock

乡村摇滚跨界艺术家?非法乡村明星?埃里克·教堂(Eric Church)称呼他为您的意愿,用商业声音制作了干草,这是一个巨大的美国。G&B发现是什么让他打勾…

A尽管Rock’n’Roll可能并不像曾经一样无所不在,但任何关于其灭亡的谣言都有些早。在美国的整个池塘中,它一直在经历范式转变。佛罗里达佐治亚线,杰森·阿尔迪恩(Jason Aldean)和卢克·布莱恩(Luke Bryan)等“乡村”艺术家曾经涉足曾经是直接摇滚音乐家居住的违规行为,以他们以摇滚为中心的即兴演奏和前卫的歌词吸引了大量的观众。

The biggest and perhaps the most noteworthy of these stars from a guitar perspective is Eric Church: a bona fide superstar Stateside, who sells out stadiums and, along with his band the Outsiders, regularly debuts in the number one spot on the Billboard charts. Something that’s not the norm for country acts.

教堂的音乐被称为“ Outlaw Country”,他的歌词凭借有关杂草,威士忌和道路上的生活困境的歌词,反对艰苦的即兴即兴即兴演奏isthe new rock ’n’ roll. Experiencing Church and The Outsiders live, we witness a towering Marshall backline and a guitar assault that seduces even the hardest rockers among the audience.



埃里克教堂2016 05 (credit Carlos Ruiz)


Church grew up in the picturesque town of Granite Falls, North Carolina, where he was both his high school’s valedictorian and basketball star. When not shooting hoops or studying, Church was living for music as a self-taught guitarist who preferred songwriting to socialising. He listened to The Band, Little Feat’s Lowell George and, naturally enough, The Boss [his single,斯普林斯汀, is essentially a fan letter to Bruce]. Besides those influences, his other inspirations are eclectic.

“我最大的影响力可能是有史以来最被低估的吉他手之一 - 杰里·加西亚(Jerry Garcia),”他在一个微妙的南方抽签中解释道。“不仅与死者在一起,而且我还是他在杰里·加西亚(Jerry Garcia)乐队大周年和时代的杰里·加西亚(Jerry Garcia)乐队所做的。除了摇滚吉他外,我还喜欢更多的爵士风格和爵士乐的影响力,而加西亚绝对是一个结合起来的人。

“Plus I’m a fan of unique flatpickers like Tony Rice,” he continues, “so much so that I learnt every single note of the song he did with [mandolinist] David Grisman,俄罗斯催眠曲. Rice is simply one of the finest flatpickers ever. Same with Doc Watson. I grew up in the Appalachian mountains, where we heard folk, Bluegrass and Americana on our front porches.From that, I taught myself to play.”


Eric Church 2016 07(信用Joshua Timmermans)


说到歌曲创作,教会在这方面是多产的,他为他的最新专辑《 2015年》制作了100首歌曲Mr. Misunderstood. He explains that the songwriting muse is not always that generous, with that batch of songs coming to him in an unprovoked creative flash that he wisely exploited.

“通常,有歌曲创作,我会花点时间,尝试将自己与家人分开,并分心。但是这张专辑是完全计划外的,这是不同的,因为这些歌曲传到了我这么快,以至于我写了一首歌,这立即导致了另一首歌曲,然后是另一首歌,依此类推。他们像他们一样来到我身边几乎令人尴尬,我觉得我曾经失去理智,使所有这些歌曲都通过我传来 - 他们也感觉像我职业生涯中最好的歌曲。”

“I’ve had nothing since that happened last summer,” Church laughs. “There are no more songs right now dying to come out. Whatever it was that happened last year during that productive period is gone. Nothin’ since.”

Mr. Misunderstood去年年底发行,赠予80,000张乙烯基专辑的粉丝,没有张贴,也没有采访。教堂回忆说:“歌曲创作的尖头被彻底爆炸,歌曲散发出来,原因是我永远不会知道为什么,而且当时没人期待一张专辑。”“我们没有将其放在架子上以启动促销机,而是将其放到那里。我们一直秘密,直到出来的那一天。为了秘密地做到这一点,没有任何宣传,我们必须在德国购买自己的记录处理工厂。”

Eric Church 2016 08(信用Carlos Ruiz)


What Church has always been on some level is a rebel – a reputation he has built on over the years. He and his band were once fired from an opening slot on tour by then-headliners Rascal Flatts for, essentially, blowing them off the stage.

“I’ve always been competitive and I am musically competitive too,” he admits. “I don’t always play by the rules, and maybe we played too long and a little too loud for them.”

This admission leads us on to the story behind the aforementioned altercation several years ago with the security guard who tried to throw one of Church’s fans off the stage.

“It was a punch/kick situation,” Church clarifies. “Thing is, we come from a bar and club background and we played some real dives for years, so I can handle the people where we are now just fine. So I don’t need security to handle our fans aggressively.”

埃里克教堂2016 06 (credit Carlos Ruiz)


“There were a couple of times I was lucky to have that happen,” he concurs. “I did a Mavis Staples tribute one night and got to play with the amazing Joe Walsh and Derek Trucks, and that was a total blast. More recently, I got to play with Warren Haynes and we did重量[by The Band].

“我听说过一千次,我敢肯定沃伦也一样,但是那天晚上,我发誓要在那个舞台上听到他的独奏,这是我一生中听到的最伟大的独奏之一。所以,是的,我有一些与我很喜欢的人一起玩的情况,我是一个巨大的Allman Brothers,而Gov不是Mule的粉丝,因此与Warren一起玩是一种荣幸。”

Although Outsiders guitarist Driver Williams plays the lion’s share of the lead parts live, with Church mostly on acoustic, Eric did undertake a fair portion of the lead contributions onMr. Misunderstood,with the odd alternative tuning thrown in.

他解释说:“我最喜欢的调整是Drop D,我会在其中放一个Capo。”“有时我会打开D和开放G。除此之外,这几乎是标准调谐。”


Eric Church 2016 02(信用John Peets)

He says: “It can mean both, although I really meant the way that people listen to music has changed, and the way young people listen to music has drastically changed, whether it’s on an iPhone or Spotify, the way people now hear music is not genre-based and they’re not listening by genre. They listen to music for the sake of music. When we grew up, we had specific radio stations, specialised MTV channels for different music and such. All that is gone.”




现场,教堂使用吉布森蜂鸟与Fishman Matrix Infinity Pickups,以及Gibson Les Paul Specials,Gibson ES-330S,半空心的Goldtop Les Paul和来自孟菲斯的Gibson ES-137。在录音室里,他依靠格雷茨·切特·阿特金斯(Gretsch Chet Atkins)乡村绅士和1961年的马丁00-28G肠道弦声。

故事:Teri Saccone


