

格雷格·安德森(Greg Anderson)和佩特拉·哈登(Petra Haden)

图片:Steven Perilloux

“曾经有声音吗?”询问曾经是Sunn Amplifier Company的广告,现在被选为商品SUNN O))))。It’s a fitting mantra for a band that focuses on rumbling drones conjured by piles of 100-watt amps. These drones have always provided a fertile base for collaborations with numerous left-field artists: and now Greg Anderson (electric guitar stage right) has brought the collaborative touch to his solo project The Lord.

灵修是与歌手和小提琴家Petra Haden的合作。安德森(Anderson)和哈登(Haden)在20年前以前一起工作。她在安德森(Anderson)的两个最著名项目中的第二张唱片中播放了第二张唱片:山羊蛇(Goatsnake)疾病花and Sunn O)))’sØØ Void

灵修但是,与山羊蛇的末日末日相比,它更多地利用了Sunn o))的自由形式。而且,类似于Sunn O))以前的许多合作努力,该记录围绕着瞬间的决定。格雷格说:“录制前的实际工作极为最小。”“佩特拉是即兴演奏的绝对主人。我的意思是,这是在她的DNA中:她的父亲是查理·哈登(Charlie Haden)。它肯定已经传递了。因此,对于专辑的一半,她要求我不要向她发送演示或任何想法。她只是想露面并对我录制的内容做出反应。”

“专辑是两个不同的会议。A Side A在2020年12月录制了。在2021年4月记录了B片。因此,对于A Side,她听了演示,并要求它们。然后对于B侧,她只是想对此做出反应。这很有趣,因为B Side是我的最爱 - 那是prep work. Nothing done beforehand. She was listening to those ideas and those riffs for the very first time ever in the studio and reacting to it. We did very little editing, we cut some things, looped others, but it was pretty rare.”

This conversational aspect of their collaboration wasn’t just limited to the studio. “We played our first live performance for this about a week ago, and I was blown away. We just went for it. We had all this music that we’ve been working on, but we didn’t really use those ideas. It was just totally in the moment. And she’s so great at that.”

在这种方法的情况下,格雷格认为,广泛的排练 - 或任何排练都是有限的。“我觉得排练和准备,尽可能有用,最终可能会变得过于令人鼓舞,而不是鼓励。因此,我喜欢从过程中删除这一点 - 这是完全自由。那是Sunn o))),那是开放性。如果您完全开放,您可以接受当下发生的所有这些有趣的事情。很荣幸与像佩特拉(Petra)这样有天赋并一生都如此有天赋的人一起玩。”

It’s not a new approach – Sunn O))) is almost entirely based around being在此刻。确实,站在那种反向前线的面前,完全爆炸了,很难在任何地方此时此刻。格雷格说:“我们认为这将成为Sunn o)))。”“不要练习,不要排练。实际上,我们唯一一次聚在一起的时间,您所说的彩排是当我们试图为即将举行的巡回演出时尝试装备时。”

“在生命金属,发生了一些预生产,因为我们正在与史蒂夫·阿尔比尼(Steve Albini)录制。我们需要为此做些准备completelyflying by the seat of our pants. But after years of playing in bands that are traditionally structured or, you know, with instrumentation and songwriting, it’s really, it’s really refreshing and inspiring to do something that’s the opposite of that. And I feel that’s what Sunn O))), has always been.”

Amplifier Worship

格雷格·安德森(Greg Anderson)与sunn o)))))
图片:阿瓦隆 /盖蒂

格雷格的音乐毫不奇怪,对于一个以放大器品牌命名的乐队中的人来说,与它正在播放的装备密不可分。但是,我们很好奇什么导致了定义Sunn O))的最初选择。1980年代是齿轮的不同时间,关于它的知识及其可用性。”格雷格说。“因此,对我来说,这是在模仿我的朋友所拥有的东西,使用我可用的东西以及我负担得起的东西。我喜欢他们刚刚可以使用的装备的声音乐队。”格雷格(Greg)亮点的一个特殊例子是黑旗:“格雷格·吉恩(Greg Ginn)得到的语气是老peave pa头 - 令人惊讶的是,人们从这种装备中获得的一些声音。”

他补充说:“就sunn o)))而言,我们的声音来自这种血统,使用我们可以动手的东西。”“我们也真的很喜欢梅尔文斯(Melvins)的嗡嗡声奥斯本(Buzz Osborne)所获得的声音,他正在使用西北部到处都有的Sunn Amps。这是一个廉价的入门级品牌,整个西雅图的所有典当店。因此,这就是我们可以使用的,并最终启发了我的整个演奏。”因此,这确实是一个不同的时刻,然后 - 如果您曾经搜寻过Model T的混响,您会知道“无处不在”和“负担得起的”不再是这些放大器的描述。

But for his work as The Lord, Greg explains that it gave him a chance to use some of the other pieces of gear he’s been collecting over the years. “I kind of have a bit of a gear problem. I’ve got so much stuff that I’ve collected, and it just hasn’t been getting any use. Especially with the pandemic, I was like, ‘man, I’ve got all this gear in my garage – I need to either use this stuff or get rid of it.’ And I had the opportunity to do so with this recording.

“因此,谈到Peave Pa Heads - 这就是我在很多方面使用的灵修,还有一个莱尼剪辑,我听起来很棒。我真的很喜欢。然后还有一些挡泥板东西,还有一个旧的黑色板板挡泥板贝斯曼。It was fun, to use stuff that may not have made an appearance on a Sunn O))) recording, and definitely not a live show – we kind of tend to stick with the sound that we’ve kind of… you know, perfected over the years.”

完美的声音仅磨练了几个元素。“这是关于Sunn Model T,或其中几个,4×12橱柜,对我来说是Les Paul和经典的老式Proco Rat。那是我对Sunn o))的声音,以及我过去像Goatsnake这样的乐队。”

As well as providing the opportunity to branch out with gear, The Lord lets Greg explore compositional structures that don’t suit Sunn O))). “I just wanted to have a different sort of framework than Sunn O))) – or even a框架完全!最终是要创建一种音乐,以表达我在较短,更传统的歌曲结构中的想法。因为Sunn o)))是非常开放的结尾,有时只有15分钟或更长时间,只有四个零件。”

声音调色板的细节部分来自电影来源。“我真的很着迷,受到电影作曲家伯纳德·赫尔曼(Bernard Herrmann)的启发。特别是他为Vertigo。I really liked the idea of these really powerful, intense pieces of music that were shorter than traditional classical pieces.

“I appreciate and love classical music as well, but looking to Bernard Herrmann and his scores, there were these shorter pieces of music that had these really intense moments and, of course, they’re, they’re made to be alongside the film. But I thought it would be interesting to just sort of kind of take that concept and create standalone pieces of music. That was the inspiration for the森林夜曲记录,然后我编造的作品灵修are a continuation of that in a way.”

Helter Skelter

格雷格·安德森(Greg Anderson)和佩特拉·哈登(Petra Haden)
图片:Steven Perilloux

假设电影灵修毫无疑问,坐着将是一种宗教恐怖。记录中甚至还有一个野景 - 准备开始Rise To Diminish.“That was a fun track to do actually, Greg says. “I was hoping that she would do something like Tom Araya from Slayer, at the beginning of下雨的血,他真的很高的地方尖叫,然后变低。那就是我设想的,并要求她执行。我认为她在这方面做得很好。”


“I’ve just always been fascinated with cults, and the people following them. In the mid 80s I was aware of the Rajneesh community – some of the devotees would come up to Seattle from rural Oregon to try to recruit, always wearing purple and all that – I was a 13, 14-year-old-kid, just like, ‘what are these people? and what are they doing?’”

“我一直对人们关注这些邪教或这些宗教的心理状态感到着迷 - 我对此的解释是,这种邪教是这种邪教的诠释。”

拉杰尼什(Rajneesh)运动的冰山是一个很大的运动,我们甚至无法在这里打破表面。轨道Ma Anand Sheelareferences the spokeswoman for the Rajneesh movement, who also happened to be convicted of attempted murder for her role in the first ever bioterror attack to happen on US soil. The poisoning of almost a hundred people (through the combination of a salad bar and salmonella) was done in the hopes of swinging a local election towards a Rajneeshee candidate. It is, to put it mildly, a whole thing. Greg’s recommendation for the curious is the great documentary seriesWild, Wild Country.

But despite the lofty imagery drawing on spiritual enlightenment, Greg is clear that the point of bringing these references in is not to take a shortcut to some deep, philosophical point: “I’m not trying to convey some message: it’s more just inspired by the aesthetic. There’s also just the kind of the controversy of it all, especially the Rajneesh – there’s sex drugs and murder involved in something that was supposed to be so peaceful and positive. And then it gets this very, sort of sinister and dark twisted side to it.”

幸福和黑暗沉重的结合是一条适合格雷格的音乐途径。“这是Sunn o)))真正关注的是过去几年。多年来,我们制作了所有这些真正的黑暗音乐 - 或者可以被视为黑暗的东西 -生命金属记录,我们想给它带来一些启示。灵修is an extension of that.”

格雷格说,他避免过度分析自己所谓的“穴居人的灵性”。他谨慎地说:“没有 - 我不喜欢一个深厚的宗教人士。”“我并没有真正定义它:如果有人问我关于灵性的问题 - 我的灵性程度是创造音乐并参与音乐,那么我从未真正考虑过。无论好坏,你知道吗?”

This touches on something broader about Sunn O))): “It’s unorthodox,” Greg states, “what we do, what we create – people have these really varied experiences with it. A lot of people use Sunn O))) for meditation or helping them sleep or whatever, and I always feel like there’s an obligation to reveal some really深的meaning about how we do it. Why we do it. But for me, I just do it because I like it.”


灵修is out now on Southern Lord.




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