
Joe Bonamassa说,玩Eric Clapton的Strat是“粗略的骑行”

他还必须玩Clapton的野兔Kirshna Es-335和Stevie Ray Vaughan的Lenny Strat。在同一天。

Joe Bonamassa.他已经谈过他从蓝调摇滚传奇演奏三个标志性吉他的经历:埃里克·克莱普顿“野兔krishna es-335和'Blackie'Stratocaster,以及Stevie Ray Vaughan.'Lenny Stratocaster。

关于Cory Wong播客的一集王票,Bonamassa描述了他如何结束扮演独特的吉他。“一天下午穿过我的朋友吉他中心他说,他们带出了这些演出袋,一些演出袋,案件在演出袋中,“他说。

“我得玩”野兔krishna“[吉布森] ES-335 - 这就是吉他,阿尔伯特大厅的克拉普顿,他是我想玩阿尔伯特大厅的原因,这是因为他和吉他。和Blackie,而Lenny,Stevie Ray Vaughan的Lenny,所以我必须在一个下午播放所有三个。“


他将Clapton的'野兔Krishna'ES-335描述为“我生命中曾在一起的最活跃,热闹,爆炸的声音埃及吉他。And I tried to weigh the experience, ‘Is this what I want to hear or is it what I’m actually hearing?’ Because this is hallowed ground, and a lot of people, I go, ‘No, this is actually really f-ing good, I could see why they liked it.’”


Bonamassa最近的Studio专辑,皇家茶,向英国蓝调的星星等致敬,如Clapton。他在Abbey Road记录,他比较了在这样一个传奇工作室的追踪的压力,以扮演Blackie等吉他。

当被问及环境是否添加任何压力时,他说吉他网:“不要发出脚,但没有!我会告诉你原因。I’ve played Peter Green’s Les Paul on stage at the Albert Hall, I’ve played Alvin Lee‘s guitar, Rory Gallagher‘s guitar, Clapton’s Blackie, the Hare Krishna 335… and what I’ve learned from that is that there’s one of two things that can happen – you can play the guitar how you want to play, or you can let the moment play you!

“与场地相同 - 你可以播放阿尔伯特大厅,但是你想要阿尔伯特大厅吗?这就是与修道院的方式。You walk in and yeah, you recognise Studio 2, you recognise that staircase, you know exactly what’s gone down – that’s the Hey Jude piano, there’s the EMI console that did Dark Side Of The Moon… I ran into my friend Nick Mason who gave me a tour of Studio 3 where they made that album, and I was like, ‘This is fantastic! Let me see the John Lennon Revolver mic again!’



