
尼克·梅森(Nick Mason):赛德·巴雷特(Syd Barrett)“不想成为摇滚神”


平克·弗洛伊德(乐队名鼓手尼克·梅森(Nick Mason)谈到了乐队已故的创始主持人赛德·巴雷特(Syd Barrett),以及他在心理健康方面的挣扎。

在一个最近的广播采访, Mason was asked about Barrett, when he noted that his struggles could both be attributed to the effects of LSD and his anxieties about being thrown into the intense world of rock-stardom: “I think the jury’s still out, in a way,” Mason said, “in terms of what really happened to Syd, and I think it’s something that’ll never really be answered because there are really two schools of thought. One was that it was overdosing on acid, which certainly is quite likely. But, it could also be to do with the fact that he didn’t want to be a rock god. He actually wanted to go back and be a painter, and I think we now feel that we probably – well, we certainly weren’t helpful because we assumed that would mean he was mad. I think in hindsight one can look at it and go, ‘Actually, maybe that was the way he would have wanted or want to go.’”

梅森还被问到有关巴雷特的挣扎和离开的报价。他透露,精神科医生罗尼·朗(Ronnie Lang)实际上在与弗洛伊德·贝斯手(Floyd Bassist)罗杰·沃特斯(Roger Waters)的对话中说了这句话 - 对他说:“也许赛德并不生气;也许我们是疯狂的人” - 也许暗示了巴雷特可以理解的愿望,让他们愿意留在雷达之下并重返绘画。


梅森还讨论了他的乐队尼克·梅森(Nick Mason)的秘密,他将发行现场唱片和电影住在回报室下个月。



