
汤姆·莫雷洛(Tom Morello):右翼恐怖分子“选择了反对男人的想法”



讲话守护者莫雷洛(Morello)说,具有讽刺意味的是:“我的一个梦想一直是袭击国会大厦,但没有一堆全白,右翼恐怖分子,你知道吗?”Morello explained how he viewed America’s far-right embracing this anger lacked a view of the bigger picture: “The ugliest part about it is how they have co-opted the idea of standing against the Man, at least in the US,” he added. “There can be no nuanced thinking, like: ‘Yes, big pharma is horrible, but getting a vaccine to save your grandma is good.’ It’s a dumbed-down version of resistance.”



莫雷洛(Morello)也被问到他对右翼抗议者对机器的愤怒的想法杀死名字当时,这种情况在抗议者戴上一些亲警察的“薄蓝线”旗时引起了评论。杀死名字罗德尼·金(Rodney King)的警察殴打灵感来自于电视上拍摄和播放的罗德尼·金(Rodney King)。强烈击败黑人金国王的军官都被无罪释放,导致了洛杉矶暴动。

莫雷洛(Morello)在右翼抗议者使用这首歌时说:“没有愚蠢的解释。伍迪·古斯里(Woody Guthrie)的活动中,有一系列的激进左派国歌被Bozos误解了,他们在这样的活动中唱歌。这块土地是你的土地布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀的在美国出生约翰·列侬的想象- 这些人真的不知道他们在唱歌什么。

However, Morello explained that it was a side-effect of creating appealing, compelling music that still retains a message, stating: “The one thing that I speak to in all of those instances is that there’s a power to the music that casts a wide net, and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. In that net, there will be the far-right bozos, but there will also be people that have never considered the ideas put forward in those songs and are forced to consider those ideas because the rock’n’roll is great.

“您可以对Noam Chomsky的演讲进行节奏 - 没人想要,但是不会误解内容是什么,或者您可以制作出令人信服的音乐。”


