The Genius Of… Pablo Honey by Radiohead

Released 30 years ago this month, Radiohead’s debut offered few clues of the genre-fusing genius to follow, but it’s an essential part of their story


图片:Gie Knaeps / Getty

埃德·奥布赖恩(Ed O’Brien)called it “pretty shit”,Thom Yorke承认它是“有缺陷的”和“天真的”,它几乎分裂了Radiohead向上。然而,帕勃罗蜂蜜lit the fuse on the career of one of the greatest British bands of all time.

Having existed since the mid-80s under the far more prosaic name On A Friday, Radiohead signed a six-album deal with EMI in 1991. Yet it was another two years before the major label were rewarded with a debut album.

受到体育场摇滚巨大的斑点,受到占主导地位的美国垃圾场景的严重影响,帕勃罗蜂蜜offers little evidence of the compositional genius and thirstless experimentalism that would make Radiohead one of the biggest bands on the planet by the end of the decade.

What’s so good about帕勃罗蜂蜜, then? Well, there’s something ephemeral and precious in seeing a band who would later write songs of such awe-inspiring complexity and sophistication asParanoid Android,一切都在正确的位置Pyramid Song, so nakedly naive and unguarded. It’s worth the price of admission just to hear Thom Yorke bellow “I wanna be in a band when I get to heaven” with complete abandon.

更重要的是,帕勃罗蜂蜜captures the embryonic dynamic between the band’s three guitarists. Jonny Greenwood’s exhilarating melange of tremolo-picked soundscapes, chunky octaves, screaming high-register runs and killswitch antics place him alongsideJohnny Marr约翰·斯奎尔(John Squire)是十年中最有影响力的吉他手。

Meanwhile, notional rhythm man O’Brien’s foundational textures and beguiling chord shifts from Yorke marked the five-piece, completed by bassist Colin Greenwood and drummer Philip Selway, out from the rest of the nascent Britpop crowd.

Thom Yorke of Radiohead
汤姆·约克(Thom Yorke)。图片:Erika Goldring / Getty

Their Scott Walker song

寻找制作人,以抛光1992年的原始人才钻头EP,EMI回避了Grouchy史蒂夫·阿尔比尼,谁生产了小精灵’ quiet-loud blueprintSurfer Rosa

取而代之的是,演出参加了耶鲁大学的毕业生保罗·科德里(Paul Kolderie)和肖恩·斯莱德(Sean Slade),但奇普·诺顿(Chipping Norton)工作室的早期会议令人难以置信。


The producers struck gold, however, when they serendipitously captured lead singleCreep在跟踪其他材料的热身过程中。塞尔威声称乐队不知道录像带正在滚动。

Creep乐队将乐队视为“投掷”,并以“斯科特·沃克(Scott Walker)”为名,但在灼热的表演结束时,工作室中的每个人都掌声掌声,知道他们在瓶装时刻目睹了闪电。

这首歌的G/b/c/cm进展,其甲壳虫乐队的大型/小转换,对Hollies的点头大声点头我呼吸的空气it that it resulted in a legal claim, while BBC Radio 1 banned the single for being too depressing.

Jonny Greenwood had his own concerns overCreep’s sparkly clean arpeggios and launched an attempt at sabotage, armed with his Telecaster Plus and a Marshall Shredmaster. The three pairs of barbarous, muted up and down strokes that introduce the chorus were “the sound of Jonny trying to fuck the song up,” recalled O’Brien. The result has been immortalised within Radiohead as ‘The Noise’.

Jonny Greenwood
乔尼·格伦伍德(Jonny Grenwood)。图片:Andrew Benge / Redferns



Greenwood is said to have played exclusively a 1990 Tobacco Burst Telecaster Plus bought with the band’s EMI advance. Like much of Radiohead’s early gear, it was stolen in 1995, in Denver, Colorado.

90年代初吉布森约克在记录中使用的SG标准和O’Brien的标准里肯贝克360 Mapleglo, adorned with帕勃罗蜂蜜stickers, were also victims of the heist, adding to the record’s sense of impermanence.


A homage to Pixies, it’s partially a protest song that cycles between D and G chords. It gives us an early glimpse inside Jonny Greenwood’s sonic toolbox as a repeated five-note pattern opens into a blistering outro replete with unison bends and a scything single-note riff.

Thinking About Yousuggest at least an unconscious appreciation ofU2。尽管有公开的参考文献,但这是格林伍德兄弟妈妈最喜欢的曲目。

平流层移相器,令人难以置信的挑选幻灯片和反馈爆发来使这种自我反射的短暂停顿避免任何人都可以弹吉他- 90年代初期的愚蠢片。

在回应冠军头衔时,Kolderie将他能找到的任何人(包括Studio Chef)围起来,建造了沸腾的吉他漩涡。同时,乔尼·格林伍德(Jonny Greenwood)用画笔攻击了他的弦乐,阿尔比尼(Albiini)肯定会批准这项技术。

The song is a critique of tasteless fretboard showboating. “Worshipping guitarists is all buying guitar magazines,” Greenwood later spat (ouch). “Anybody can play guitar, but writing songs is a far harder challenge.”

While it stokes the fires of nostalgia, the second half of帕勃罗蜂蜜很容易忘记。靠近吹熄最鲜明的是,干净的和弦和Selway的爵士乐tick脚唤起杰夫·巴克利在将鞋子风暴归为舞蹈风暴之前,这是专辑的结尾。

汤姆·约克(Thom Yorke)舞台上
汤姆·约克(Thom Yorke)。图片:Samir Hussein / Redferns通过盖蒂图像

Promisingly imperfect

临界接收良好的接待没有达到帕勃罗蜂蜜。NME, having recently damned Radiohead as “a pitiful, lily-livered excuse for a rock ‘n’ roll group”, gave the album 7/10. TheLA Timesdismissed the band for “steering too close toSmiths- 像旋律一样,努力地沮丧the Cure普及”。

Melody Maker’s Simon Price was more measured (and accurate), judging the debut “promisingly imperfect”, while curiously labelling the band “the new果酱” and finding similarities between吹熄Dire Straits秋千的苏丹

尽管在家中接受了凉爽的接待,Creepwas gaining the band momentum Stateside thanks to heavy MTV airplay. It was to become a millstone around their necks, though.

After seemingly endless tour dates withPJ哈维,Belly和James是一位礼貌地邀请支持Duran Duran的邀请,并取消了阅读节目,乐队厌倦了演奏他们的大单曲。正如约克所说,Radiohead“吸了撒旦的公鸡”。他后来透露他们几乎要分裂了。


Ed O'Brien
埃德·奥布赖恩(Ed O’Brien)。图片:David Wolff - Patrick / Wireimage

Little by little


The album has also been subject of copious critical revisionism; by 1998,Qwas naming it the 61st best album of all time. But Pablo Honey’s greatest legacy is that it gave the band the latitude to record more nuanced material.

“The second album is going to be much better than the first,” predicted Yorke. Two years later,弯曲提供了三位吉他手的极端,世代才华的更完整的证据。

但是,随后的三张专辑 -OK Computer,Kid A失忆– changed the musical world in just five years. Having put Britpop out of its misery, Radiohead concocted a radical fusion of ambient electronica and era-defining use of the guitar, becoming the world’s most innovative band in the process.


乔尼·格林伍德。图片:Gaelle Beri / Redferns通过盖蒂图像




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