
珍妮·刘易斯(Jenny Lewis)与沃森双胞胎(Watson Twins)的兔子皮大衣的天才

这位前Rilo Kiley的女主持人如何挑选声学,并为独奏的成功带来了自己的成功,并有点来自Conor Oberst…

Life moves pretty fast. Back in 2005,珍妮·刘易斯当时,这是一支使她成为大西洋两侧的图表固定的独立流行乐队Rilo Kiley时,正在闲逛并屏住呼吸。但是,洛杉矶的日子很久很久了,朋友们问他们似乎是个好时机的好处。刘易斯就是这样做的Rabbit Fur Coat– her solo debut and the template for one of modern indie-rock’s most reliably cool careers.

当刘易斯在她的朋友的银湖公寓里踢她的高跟鞋时Conor Oberst,,,,the creative mind behind明亮的眼睛,正在策划。在纽约,他坐在一个刚起步的唱片公司上,他希望刘易斯通过Team Love推出LP。“我当时想,‘你疯了吗?我不能自己制作唱片,’”刘易斯告诉洛杉矶时报。“My identity was wrapped up in my band. I never envisioned myself as a solo artist.”



当里洛·基利(Rilo Kiley)以完美的,柔软的流行歌曲倾斜emo倾斜时,刘易斯(Lewis)完全追求了更朴实的东西。受劳拉·尼罗(Laura Nyro)1971年的封面专辑的启发Gonna Take a Miracle,,,,a collaboration with Labelle, Lewis roped in the Watson Twins, friends of Rilo Kiley’s Blake Sennett and her neighbours in Silver Lake. The vocal duo proved to be the perfect foil, adding rich emotional colour to Lewis’s unfailingly sharp melodies.

由迈克·莫吉斯(Mike Mogis)制作万物的执行andMore Adventurous,,,,Rabbit Fur Coathad a handle on rootsy country-folk and baked尼尔·杨- 主义。刘易斯(Lewis)陶醉于舞台上的简单性,抛弃了她日常工作的时尚性质,同时让她的话语刺痛和钩子悄悄地着陆。

珍妮·刘易斯和沃森双胞胎 - 兔子皮大衣


这样做意味着分开歌曲的元素,以便每个人都可以在不踩别人脚趾的情况下做出贡献。多年来,刘易斯(Lewis)演奏了1983年的Strat(“我的乐队中的每个人都说,‘哦,刘易斯,这是一件狗屎吉他,”她告诉她切碎。“但是它变成了我最喜欢的吉他,我仍然喜欢它。”)电视台和Tele Deluxes,以及1962年Guild星火。但是,在安顿了更经典的氛围之后,刘易斯的方法Rabbit Fur Coatwas largely acoustic and driven by an appreciation for space and texture.

“I wanted to make something that I had sonic control over,” Lewis told theShepherd Express’s Evan Rytlewski in 2016. “And I wanted to make something where I wasn’t competing with electric guitars, which are in the same frequency as the human voice.

“It’s not that I don’t love guitar, because I do, but having come from a band, and touring for two years with two electric guitars, I wanted to make something that was very open. And then when I sat down with the Watson Twins to teach them the songs and sing through them, it became very clear that that was the focus of the record, those three voices and the lyrics.”


珍妮·刘易斯(Jenny Lewis)
珍妮·刘易斯和沃森双胞胎。图片:卡尔·沃尔特 /盖蒂图像


被视为一个整体Rabbit Fur Coatdelivers on that promise. It’s easy to point at the record’s opening salvo – the a capella运行魔鬼运行– as emblematic and leave it at that, but the interplay between Lewis and the Watson Twins is perhaps even more effective in effusive moments like the unimpeachable用拳头起床!,有一大堆福音的力量超过了经文的丰富声学相互作用。

但是,当涉及到合作者投球和交付时,唱片的故事还有另一个转折。在旅行威尔伯里的眨眼封面上Handle With Care Lewisis flanked by Oberst,Death Cab For Cutie的本·吉布巴德(Ben Gibbard)(她的邮政局的乐队成员)和M. Ward。他们为原始的大片之星的力量带来了一定程度的低调独立魅力,但刘易斯(Lewis)轻松地将其光滑的西海岸撑杆驾驶,使其成为她未来的关注的预兆。


Post-Rabbit Fur Coat,刘易斯的世界被倾斜。这张专辑受到了广泛的欢迎,其声誉只会随着时间的推移而提高,2016年的巡回演唱会由Watson Twins和M. M. Ward展示。但是里洛·基利(Rilo Kiley)对这个世界不久。2007年,他们发行了Under The Blacklight,,,,their final album, before splitting in a manner that could be described as semi-acrimonious (any hatchet has since been buried, with Sennett joining Lewis for a run through狐狸的部分2015年在Coachella上)。

刘易斯(Lewis)的雷洛·基利(Rilo Kiley)重新集结了她的第二个独奏唱片,酸舌,在2008年和杀手I’m Having Fun Nowin 2010 as one half of Jenny and Johnny. Then there was a wait before things really clicked into place. WithThe Voyager(2014) andOn The Line(2019) Lewis split the difference betweenFleetwood Macand汤姆·佩蒂令人心碎的人,发出温暖,有特色的流行摇滚歌曲,里面有切割的玻璃钩和不可磨灭的短语转弯。从You Are What You Love镀金的亲吻充电的天空幻灯片驱动的踩踏,构建块散布在Rabbit Fur Coat

Image: Ethan Miller / Getty Images


珍妮·刘易斯与沃森双胞胎,Rabbit Fur Coat(Love Team,2006)


  • 珍妮·刘易斯– lead vocals, guitar
  • 钱德拉·沃森(Chandra Watson) - 人声
  • 利·沃森(Leigh Watson) - 人声
  • 迈克·莫吉斯(Mike Mogis) ​​- 吉他,制作
  • M. Ward – guitar, production
  • Conor Oberst – guitar, vocals
  • Ben Gibbard - 吉他,人声

Standout Guitar Moment


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