
乔·博纳马萨(Joe Bonamassa


乔·博纳马萨(Joe Bonamassa)最近通过他的2016年专辑中的吉他,绝望的布鲁斯

摄影埃莉诺·简(Eleanor Jane)

d从乔·波纳马萨(Joe Bonamassa)在好莱坞山(Hollywood Hills)的家中奔波到洛杉矶闪烁的灯光,我们想知道我们是否曾经在一个地点看到如此多的令人难以置信的老式吉他。鉴于本来应该是90分钟的采访时段最终持续了四个半小时,很明显,乔喜欢向人们展示他的收藏的亮点。即使我们应该坚持他的新专辑中使用的乐器,《蓝调明星》也无法抗拒让我们看一些具有相当历史的非常特殊的吉他。


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乔的’51 nocaster(左)介绍了特里·里德(Terry Reid)以前拥有的52 Telecaster

“I bought Terry’s guitar last August,” Bonamassa says of the heavily road-worn 1952 Telecaster owned previously by Terry Reid, the under-appreciated British rock singer and guitarist who turned down offers to front both Jimmy Page’s New Yardbirds and, later, Deep Purple. “He bought it in 1968 when he was on tour with Cream, and the front pickup died. When they played Madison Square Garden with Cream, he brought it to [legendary NYC musical instrument store] Manny’s and they put a new Gibson Patent Number humbucker in it.

特里·里德(Terry Reid)的52遥控器在1968年在纽约进行了吉布森专利号脖子亨巴克(Humbucker)的改装

里德(Reid)的52台电视(52 Tele)于1971年在格拉斯顿伯里(Glastonbury)舞台上露面,几乎在七十年代初风化




我们想知道乔是否能记住他第一次被严重的吉他收藏家的虫子咬伤。他承认:“我一直很认真。”“I was dormant for a while, though, and actually sold a bunch of stuff that I was holding from the 1990s in 2006. I saw a ’64 ES-335 priced at $28,000 and dealers willing to pay $22-23,000 for it, and I’m like, sure! A dealer friend of mine paid me $18,500 for a ’65 Strat in sunburst! So I sold a bunch of it and was very dormant through the height [of the economic crisis]. When the crash hit, ultimately my fortunes went up and I started to buy again.”

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Black 1955“ Howard Reed” Stratocaster和’58 Flying v在Joe's Lounge中被称为“ Amos”

Bonamassa系列中最稀有,也是最酷的挡泥板之一是Black 1955 Stratocaster,由霍华德·里德(Howard Reed)拥有,他是吉他手,他代替了Gene Vincent及其蓝色帽子的Cliff Gallup。早在1988年,一个11岁的乔在他的卧室墙上有这吉他的海报,现在他拥有它。

证明了耐心和辛勤工作可以得到回报,但这是有史以来第一个黑色Stratocaster吗?“好吧,有吉米·布莱恩特(Jimmy Bryant),一段时间没人见过,据说这是’54,但它是第一款或第二个。我的猜测可能是第二个。有霍华德在56或57中弹吉他的照片。Fender正在执行这些操作,他们正在做100件。复制邮箱字母是最大的问题。”

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霍华德·里德(Howard Reed)Stratocaster设置为有限的运行式挡泥板。邮箱字母最难重现!

正如乔确认:“ 8lb 11盎司 - 超重![所有复古挡泥板都是光的想法]是一个神话。灰是灰!”

Last but by no means least in this trio of legendary instruments is Amos, the korina 1958 Flying V. Given that only 98 of these instruments are documented to have left Gibson’s Kalamazoo factory in 1958, we’re already right at the top of the tree when it comes to collectible guitars, but there’s a twist – only 10 are thought to have been manufactured with a black pickguard.

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First sold in 1959 by Amos Arthur of famous family-owned music store Arthur’s Music in Indianapolis, Indiana, the guitar dropped off the map for 17 or so years and was then purchased in the mid-70s by Joe’s friend Norman Harris of Norman’s Rare Guitars. Harris held onto it for four decades, during which the guitar was photographed for numerous books – and in 1984 even featured in这是脊柱水龙头

“他们可能在这种配置中赚了五个,”阿莫斯黑人警卫/白扑克芯片塑料的乔说。“皮特·汤申(Pete Townshend)是该配置。BlackGuard VS可能在我拥有的Gibson,V和Black Burst(Black '60标准)中可能是最有价值的。”

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With the Reed Strat and Flying V leaning up against a ’54 Twin for photography purposes – and one famous blues guitarist and a magazine editor hovering just out of shot wearing expressions of grave concern – we return to the subject of Bonamassa’s current live rig, which consists of a pair of tweed Twins and a pair of tweed Bassmans.


“我们在星期日将钻机放在一起,旅行供应没有开放,所以我们用完了分离箱。对于最后的分分点,我说:“好吧,我有这个TC电子东西”(立体声合唱 - ed],我们戴上了它,这是最幸福的事故。当您巧妙地将其放在底部时,它会稍微收紧底部,它剪了一些低音,这是秘密武器,但它非常痛苦地简单……”

乔·博纳马萨(Joe Bonamassa)的新专辑,绝望的布鲁斯,现在在Provogue上。看www.jbonamassa.com对于巡演日期和最新消息。


