
Joe Bonamassa’s Blues Of Desperation Guitars Up Close

我们在加利福尼亚的家中拜访了布鲁斯摇滚明星乔·波纳马萨(Joe Bonamassa),看了他的第12张录音室专辑《绝望的布鲁斯》(Blues of Desperation),乘飞机……

practice, practice, practice. That, so the old joke goes, is the way you get to Carnegie Hall. Yet after a pair of sold-out acoustic performances at the legendary Midtown Manhattan concert venue in January, the biggest challenge for Joe Bonamassa was getting back.


48 hours later, in considerably sunnier conditions, it’s with more than a little relief that we wind our way up his driveway in the Hollywood Hills – complete with neon, Vegas-style ‘Welcome To Fabulous Nerdville’ sign – safe in the knowledge that the guitarist is behind the front door.


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Described by Bonamassa as “more of a house now than it ever was,” the property was formerly owned by both songwriter/producer Oliver Leiber and Buckcherry’s Keith Nelson and was the scene of Rod Stewart album sessions during Leiber’s tenure. These days, it’s home to one of the finest guitar collections on the face of the earth. As we lose ourselves in a view that stretches all the way to Downtown Los Angeles and the ocean beyond, our host is on the telephone closing yet another deal for a rare vintage piece. Today, it’s a 1959 DeArmond R5T amplifier.

当然,这不仅是一次社交访问,而且目前的业务是讨论和拍摄Bonamassa在他的最新工作室长期玩家中使用的乐器绝望的布鲁斯。由纳什维尔的Grand Victor Sound(前RCA Studio A)与两名鼓手一起录制,这是由制片人和长期合作者Kevin Shirley设计的决定,将“将猫放在鸽子中”,然后将乔推开他的舒适区 - 专辑 - 专辑这也代表了这颗星星的另一个第一:上面没有马歇尔。

“It’s weird because I’ve been a Marshall guy for most of my career,” Joe acknowledges, “but there wasn’t the right song.” Instead, most of绝望的布鲁斯特色是他谈论过的全身花呢挡泥板舞台,其中包括一对高功率’59双胞胎和一对贝斯曼人。




1964年,吉布森火鸟三世(Gibson Firebird III)在登山和专辑的唱片曲目中扮演着重要角色。乔说:“有些人完全无视尾声,而是在顶部包裹。”“我不这样做,因为它改变了量表,我不喜欢紧张。有了单点式火鸟,您始终必须在音调控制上,因为它们上的铅拾音器是如此明亮。火鸟III和V的魔力是中间位置。对我来说,VII根本不值得多余的钱”

“There’s one exception this time: a fuzzy bit on a song calledMountain Climbing。The main sound is basically the Firebird and the Twins and the Bassmans, but I also used a ’55 Champ, and the weird thing about a ’55 Champ versus a ’56 or ’57? It’s smaller. They were smaller in ’55, so it’s the same power as a normal Champ and it has this very condensed and punchy sound. I used a brown Deluxe for something, but generally what was happening was that, because the big room in RCA is所以大,低功率放大器在赛道上听起来太压缩了。

“在这所房子里录制了一些Rod Stewart的唱片,仍然有PVC管道进入卧室。他们在客厅里录制了鼓。如果您在此厨房里录制放大器,那是一个很小的空间。您可以使用20瓦或30瓦的放大器逃脱,听起来比生活大。


fender 1951 nocaster joe bonamassa
1951年的Nocaster在新专辑中发挥了很大的作用,并且是“除了有人放在前面的PAF之外,所有股票。如果您是基思·理查兹(Keith Richards)的粉丝,那么您就会爱上!由于前线的humbucker,它在中间是过时的,因此它确实可以很好地完成吉米·佩奇(Jimmy Page)的事情。扁平杆拾音器的伤口超级热。我喜欢薄荷或喜欢的吉他。我购买的罪过已经犯下了!这是我见过的最酷的之一。我已经拥有了一年多了,并且已经使用了很多。从七十年代开始,它就有它进入了好莱坞的吉他中心!”

话虽如此,上述20瓦6G3棕面豪华是Bonamassa总是进入工作室的“非常具体的工具包”的一部分:“ Brown Deluxes被低估了放大器。您会得到合适的扬声器,如果放大器正在合作,它听起来像是最艰难,听起来最艰难的马歇尔。这只是这个大声音。它们几乎就像花呢放大器一样,非常扭曲,非常中等。麦克西爱情。将57或任何东西放在一个前面,您真的很喜欢生活。”

Bonamassa continues: “There’s always a reverb tank. I use one of the brown Fender spring reverbs, but you can use a brown or a blackface one. A reissue is fine, they all sound the same. I use a reverb tank because I like the chime that it gives, and the microphone in the studio doesn’t hear the reverb as much as live. Live, you’re swimming! I always leave the reverb on a little bit and it just gives it a nice sheen.”

在为专辑会议选择吉他时,Bonamassa不得不在大部分写作结束之前向纳什维尔发送选择。“我正在发送我以为会使用的奇怪的东西,也许我没有发送很多。我在纳什维尔购买了一些吉他,其中一辆是从乔治·格鲁恩(George Gruhn)购买的,一辆来自沃尔特(Walter)和卡特(Carter)Vintage的克里斯蒂(Christie)。我得到了’23 Gibson风格O,实际上是从卡内基音乐厅从卡车上回来的,中西部的某个地方的卡内基音乐厅,希望不会冻结和破裂。

Joe Bonamassa Gibson ES-5
这款1951年的Gibson ES-5在专辑中使用了我很长时间以来所知道的,状况良好:“有时您想要那种庸医的外在事物,有时您想使用前拾音器。如果颈部角度正确并且铅拾音器足够高,则可以从中得到一个非常酷的吠叫物。我还有另一个相同的,同样的交易。我也有两个朝阳”

“而且我以天然购买了’51 ES-5。我是T骨助行器的傻瓜,我有四个'em,但这是一个特别好的。ES-5很棒,直到您播放它们,然后您就可以了,‘这是一件狗屎!T-Bone甚至是从中得到的?那是一种声学部分。”

专辑的大部分电动零件都录制了一个小但挑剔的色调复古仪器。1951年的nocaster,脖子上的PAF在这个问题上的封面上表现出了很多动作 - “一种特别美丽的演奏和响亮的乐器。无论是'71,这只是一把杀手吉他,这都没关系。他说:“这是使我康复了那种讨厌的习惯。”“我几乎只演奏了一年的吉他,这基本上是我现在弹奏的吉他。我喜欢它。我每天都在玩。当您找到一个时,您会找到一个。”

Joe’s beautifully worn #1 Burst is known as The Snakebite on account of its still-visible Bigsby vibrato tailpiece holes. “I’ve had it about a year. It was purchased at a pawnshop in North Carolina for $700 back in 1987, ironically by a fellow whose wife works for my production company in South Carolina. He sold it to a friend of mine and then I got it. He made a tiny profit…! The neck is very small for a ’59. It had a Bigsby on it and nobody plugged the holes, which I like. It’s honest”

乔还使用他的1964年火鸟三世“令人惊讶的数量”:“火鸟的酷事?在工作室环境中 - 而且我一直信任凯文的判断 - 除非我在第一次采摘之后听到并讨厌它,否则我永远不会搬家。我总是默认向莱斯·保罗(Les Paul)默认,他会说:“那需要更明亮,也许像电视。”而且,如果莱斯·保罗(Les Paul)太黑了,电视太亮了,最好的选择是火鸟。它驶向中间,几乎就像吉米·佩奇(Jimmy Page)一样。这是一个古怪的中间位置正在发生的事情。我经常用火鸟。”

1958年格雷施乡村俱乐部乔·波纳马萨(Joe Bonamassa)
Used on Drive, this 1958 Gretsch Country Club was strung with flatwounds: “It’s the same thing with Jaguars and Jazzmasters. As soon as you use flatwound strings, the whole guitar, the scale, everything makes sense.”

1958年的Gretsch和Blonde ’57 Stratocaster也露面,但到目前为止,最左场的选择是Epiphone FT-45 Cortez声学,配备了六十年代的Dearmond皮卡。乔解释说:“这是我在迈尔斯堡的粉丝的礼物。”“那是他兄弟的,他没有玩,所以他把它给了我。我试图给他一些钱,他什么都不会拿走,所以我说我会在记录中使用它。我只是带来的,因为它实际上是一种非常好的乐器。

joe bonamassa fender 1957 stratocaster
Joe purchased this ’57 Stratocaster with the proceeds from a garage sale that he held last year in Burbank: “I sold a bunch of stuff that I wasn’t using – 4×12 cabinets and pedals – and immediately took all the money and bought this. I was like, save me from myself! But trading a bunch of stuff I wasn’t using for a ’57 blonde Strat seems like a good deal to me. It’s on the solo onDistant Lonesome Train

“这不是任何有价值的吉他,但我们有这首歌叫做这列火车这打开了记录,听起来都不正确。火鸟听起来不正确,Les Paul和Strat听起来不正确,我将Epiphone插入了现场钻机,并且由于放大器被隔离,所以没有回馈,我可以在上面哭泣!它产生了一种非常有趣的声音,一种非常有趣的詹姆斯(Elmore James)。

“您可以听到我尝试用声弦弯曲 - 我认为独奏也是在声学上完成的。这只是刚刚起作用的事情之一。您永远不会在一百万年内这样称呼。如果我听到的话,我认为这听起来像是一些凯(Kay)上的前​​拾音器或类似的东西,但是这种酷酷,疯狂的epiphone似乎起作用。但是,如果我插入了钻机附近任何地方的Epiphone,并像我一样将皮卡插入,我认为顶部只会爆炸。”

joe bonamassa epiphone cortez
随着Epiphone Cortez的插入,专辑中的主要声学是1969年的Grammer Johnny Cash。当乔的Suburst模特从纽约市运输途中,我们拍摄了双胞胎:“作为节奏吉他,它们真的很棒。他们只是特殊的吉他”

As an avid collector of vintage guitars, amplifiers and even point-of-sale memorabilia such as illuminated signage and branded clocks, Bonamassa is only half joking when he claims that “most of my life is spent on the phone with some dude with a credit card!” That said, he still believes that using these musical instruments for their intended purpose and taking the time to establish a relationship with them is the most important thing.

他说:“我每天尝试学习有关吉他的新知识。”“您必须播放'em。您必须了解,通过玩它们,那是您真正知道发生了什么的时候。当人们从定制商店购买R9或任何东西时,我讨厌它,立即出去花3,000美元在售后零件上 - 为什么不只是为了几次演出而播放它?或者,即使您没有任何演出,为什么不坐在那里三到四个小时,区域淘汰,击败了东西,突然之间,吉他看起来真实呢?弹奏越多,吉他看起来真实!

“It’s almost like a Hollywood agent: ‘We love you, now just change everything about you!’ And then there’s a cat that can pull out a sandwich-bodied ’78 Les Paul Pro that weighs 12lbs, plug it into a Lab Series L5 – retail value of guitar and amp $1,000 – and kick ass…”




