

我们与Abraxas吉他手Carolina Faruolo谈论她如何保持旋律的吉他作品充满角色,几乎不需要拥挤的踏板。


“我们开玩笑地说我们只是向您介绍Abraxas,因为‘专辑会带您到一个不同的领域,” Carolina Farulolo周二晚上在DRAB上告诉我们Zoom。这位吉他手在乌拉圭长大,现在居住在曼彻斯特,但她对经典的Chica艺术家,旋律吉他以及她所谓的“热带音乐”的热爱从未消失。

二人组合的丹尼·李·布莱克韦尔(Danny Lee Blackwell)Abraxas,一个受到该项目的启发桑塔纳同名专辑。他们的首次亮相唱片蒙特卡洛提供迷幻,放克和灵魂的飞溅,并带有拉丁脉冲和摇摆人声。以前曾是cumbia启发的乐队的吉他手Los Bitchos,距离英格兰北部的吉他旋律通过Faruolo的鲜血奔跑,像第二天性一样进入她的指板。但是,组成这支乐队的想法不一定计划。

https://open.spotify.com/album/6kdkgo9idlhhxuzihaxhshsj?si = myas5wiesm6chgx9_he-fq

她解释说:“我们并没有真正出发参加乐队或项目,我们正处于锁定的中间。”“I had some demos ‘cause that’s what you do when you’re bored at home, I was just writing music and I showed him [Blackwell] some of the stuff I was working on and he was like ‘Oh, that’s really cool, it reminds me ofAbraxas桑塔纳’。”

最终,布莱克韦尔(Blackwell)开始从他的德克萨斯州家中寄回音频文件,并向演示提供了进一步的和弦的进步 - 很快,在不同大洲开始时,摆钟的动作是一起制作音乐的动作。最终,制作专辑的机会出现了:“大多数是丹尼用我用旋律所做的歌词所做的事情 - 我将所有的情感都放在吉他旋律中,丹尼将它们带到了另一个层次上,”她说。“歌词的主题确实变化了;他们没有传达一种特定的感觉,这是各种神秘的,与日常生活无关。”

Abraxas -Monte Carlo



尽管法鲁洛指出,她最近交换了挡泥板Meteora for more pickup options, there is one key element to her pedalboard she can’t go without: “I also got this little octave pedal I use for live [sets] ‘cause there’s this little trick that tropical musicians always do when they’re using a guitar melody, they start repeating loads and it doesnt come across like it’s the same riff again.”

她继续解释说:“他们播放一个八度或更高的八度,所以听起来很新鲜,所以我得到了踏板,所以它可以为我做,所以我可以交换或改变,而不是从一个部分交换,如果我想将东西混合在一起,它可以同时发挥许多八度。”Her voice twinkles with excitement over the call like audible glitter as she speaks fondly of her handy hack, “It’s like I’m playing with an orchestra of twangy guitar, so that one really has been a little wild card for me for sections of the song, to accentuate moments.”

除了热爱八度的玩具之外,她的其余设置都很简单 - 她说的是“真正的标准”和合唱,延迟和混响的小型挡泥板放大器。“我没有任何疯狂的踏板……它选择了吉他,在这里和那里(对我有用)选择小拾音器和小细节。”她停下来思考片刻,“我曾经有一个超速踏板,但听起来总是太刺耳了,”她补充说。“‘因为一切都像'La la la la Happy’,就像'Rahhh!',太苛刻了。我解雇了那个。

随着新的起点是一个新的变革机会 - 自从成立Abraxas以来,她的钻机自从与Los Bitchos在一起以来已经改编了,“我过去在那个时代有一个不同的混响踏板。是这个年份Danelectro[DSR-1 Spring King]踏板,我喜欢它,但这是一个有问题的孩子!它从来没有做过您想要做的事情,它会断开连接并发出怪异的声音,我会摇摇欲坠,但是现在我的混响我会更加保守,我让吉他剪得更多。”

蒙特卡洛是carried by the trance-inducing guitar played by Faruolo, and many would argue she deserves all the flowers for the melodies crafted on the record, but she remains humble: “I find it weird when people do come to me and say, ‘wow, your guitar sound is really special’ – I don’t know anything else.”


就像温暖的微风永远不会停止在阿布拉萨斯星球上一样,音乐也不会。Faruolo确认第二张专辑已经在发行,他们的大二作品歌曲已经“绘制”。两人开始巡回演出的同时,将继续使用新材料。In the meantime though, the duo are bringing a full tropical storm to the stage, “We’re working on setting the live show up ‘cause we wanna make it a full live band rather than a backing track because it’s not the same experience.”

Although her camera is off, we just know her eyes are growing wide, “We’re like, ‘what if we get loads of trumpets and percussion in and be like a 15 piece like Gloria Estefan!’” She giggles before adding, “We like to play live as much as possible. That’s the three to five year plan, just to make it a really good vibe for people who come to our shows.”

看起来像蒙特卡洛是just the entry point into this new musical world, and it’s already pretty inviting, “Each song sets up a place where your mind can go, places filled with palm trees and jungles and cocktails by the pool – it’s somewhere you can take your brain and put it on a little nice cushion,” Faruolo says. “Find the details in it, and it should take you to another planet.”








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