
“如果您想要一把非常奇怪的吉他,并且您不认识其他人,Dweezil Zappa会有一只” - Bush Talk Sonic实验新唱片《生存艺术》

The alt-rock greats return with a vital, positive new record full of explorative new sounds.

布什的第九唱片被恰当地命名生存艺术。But the longevity implied by such a name isn’t just a neat reflection of the band’s tenacious attitude: the LP as a whole arrives into a world racked with chaos, but its message is, despite the maelstrom, we as a species persist – not just Bush.

这样的专辑的话题,尤其是现在布什接受了更艰难,更重的声音,可能有45分钟的痛苦风险。但是作为主唱加文·罗斯代尔(Gavin Rossdale)据此,唱片避免采取“悲哀或自我挑剔”的方法 - 相反,这是“关于人类生存的成功故事,这是关于赔率的成功故事。人们只是找到一种方法。我们都显然在不同程度上受苦。我认为生活的本质是生存的艺术。每个人都一直在经过测试,但我们找到了一种方法。”

There’s not really a better time to highlight humanity’s resilience. Coming out of a global pandemic, there’s no let up in the global chaos. For Rossdale,生存艺术涵盖了这一切 - 大流行,战争,种族主义和对妇女身体自主权的威胁。与罗斯代尔(Rossdale)和首席吉他手克里斯·特雷诺(Chris Traynor)一起,让我们深入研究他们最喜欢的五首新唱片,并查看他们如何制作内部精美的现代硬摇滚。


卡伦·鲁特纳(Karen Ruttner)转录的与加文·罗斯代尔(Gavin Rossdale)和克里斯·特雷诺(Chris Traynor)的对话


加文·罗斯代尔(Gavin Rossdale):“My favourite part is the opening riff – it’s just infectious and undeniable. It sets the tone for the record – it’s the precursor for what’s to come: heavy and snappy. [Producer] Erik Ron loves his肯珀。When I worked with him before, he was much more amp-oriented, but now I think Kemper has got it to a point where they’ve got a signature model with him, which he loves – so we were all about the Kemper on this track.

不仅仅是机器通过针头看一首歌,同时,我真的很困扰整个问题围绕妇女权利。The label asked me for another track, and I was annoyed at them – because that’s just my ego – but my creative side said, ‘oh good, you know what? You didn’t nail this subject you wanted to tackle, and maybe you能够使某些事情更直接 - 这是建设性的批评。’当人们向您铺设手套,挑战您时,这是双赢的,因为如果您想出好事,他们是对的。如果您想出一些好的东西,你是正确的。如果您想出一些非常好的东西,大家的是的,即使您的自我不喜欢旅程。那就是发生的事情。

克里斯·特雷诺(Chris Traynor):“I love the pre-chorus because, to me, it sounds really big and rude and it’s kind of unexpected and an unusual part, especially for this band. Erik Ron laid down this 808 kick drum – very retro hip-hop. It really reminded me of Missy Elliot, so I was trying to think of something that would be like a guitar sample in a cool Missy Elliot song, and that’s why it’s so sparse and broken up. I wanted it to feel like it dropped into a hip-hop track for a second.

“很多灌木歌曲都有幻灯片吉他,我开始使用无品格的吉他,因为这就像幻灯片,但这只是一个不同的声音。我喜欢那种声音,所以我借了Dweezil Zappa的无品格吉他。如果您想要一把非常奇怪的吉他,并且您不认识其他人,那么Dweezil Zappa将拥有一把 - 他的工作室里有三只无心的吉他。因此,我借了一个,然后与Erik一起做了这些杂货,因为我们想让它听起来很现代,但是很粗糙。我们使用了电汉蒙克斯Pitchfork – we pitched the sound up and down, and we used a fuzz, which is a classic kind of Bush thing, but with that sound. So it kinda ties into the history of Bush, but it’s a more modern take on it.



布什 - 生存艺术


加文·罗斯代尔(Gavin Rossdale):“The main riff is my favourite guitar moment of this track. It was such a massive sound, and when I got that, it was funny, because I’ve never written a song before where I was really clear that it should open a record. Like, this really sets the tone, the intention of the record – this is the vibe.

“Writing this, I was really just being experimental, exploring, challenging myself, finding out what all my drum programs could do. Nick DePirro, who’s a great guitar player, he introduced me to神经DSP,所以我进入了这个世界。我做了所有关于神经的吉他。我朋友Tosin Abasi- 我在记录中使用了他的吉他 - 有一个插件。和Gojira有一个非常棒的环境。而且您知道,您从声音开始 - 有人会得到惊人的声音,然后您修改它,您可以自己制作。

“That was a turning point for me, because I’ve usually got like three or four amps connected trying to make it happen, but basically going for the same sound, and then when I came across this new stuff, I was like – I dunno about my amps anymore, this is really good!”

克里斯·特雷诺(Chris Traynor):“就在最后,我想在最后一天,我正在做吉他曲目和这首歌的桥梁 - 我做了这种真正提升它的八度音调吉他声。我今天早上只是在听它,我喜欢它,这是一个周期性的主题,它遍布下面的和弦。我认为这确实将这首歌带入了另一个地方,因为这首歌是如此的沉重,您需要那种休息,这种举动。”

Slow Me

加文·罗斯代尔(Gavin Rossdale):“我最初的方式是一个真正的长低音介绍,我上面有所有这些人声,而且很漂亮。我走了,我去参加了棒球比赛,然后我回来了,克里斯和埃里克完全改变了它。突然它用声乐打开,然后进入大型介绍。那不是我首选的方法 - 我有了一个更具敏捷的彼得·加布里埃尔(Peter Gabriel)的开始,他们开始了一个大满贯的开始。

“I mean, I get it – I get what they did, but I still prefer my kinda Gabriel beginning! I think the intro sets the song up great, but I love long basslines – I grew up on dub, so for me, having a long bassline that goes round and round for ages before a song starts is normal. I don’t have to have an orgasm as soon as a song starts.

“ [当我们开始现场演奏时,这将很奇怪,因为当歌曲开始[笑]时,我总是必须登上麦克风,这不是我最喜欢的事情。但这本身就是一件好事 - 因为它与其他一切都不一样。”

克里斯·特雷诺(Chris Traynor):“我们在这张唱片上用吉他做了很多事情,这些唱片有点像音景,并试图再次相信埃里克(Erik)并做更现代的事情。因此,这首曲目上有很多东西听起来不像吉他,但是。在合唱中,我使用了 - 具有讽刺意味的是'63吉布森SG Junior with a P90, which is a very old sounding guitar, but I used it for all these chimey effects in the choruses and in the intro, which sound like keyboard pads. And one of the tricks that I did on this song in particular, is I’ll play a guitar part and then I’ll double it with the keyboard. So it kind of mixes in so you can’t tell.”

图片:Thomsa Rabsch


克里斯·特雷诺(Chris Traynor):“我喜欢这个崩溃。这是在尼克进鼓前进行预​​生产的最后一刻的启发。它具有很多疯狂的能量,然后真正开放。我绝对喜欢的一件事,尼克(Nick),在这节经文的重新表现中,只是扮演着令人难以置信的酷节拍,他部分使用了鼓的边缘,这对我来说是超级鼓舞人心的。我认为这首歌是6/8 - 有人可能会纠正我,但我敢肯定这不是3/4,它是6/8 - 我喜欢这种感觉。我一直很喜欢以前做过的那种感觉和乐队 - QuickSand,工具, 头盔。加文(Gavin)写下那首曲目的基础时,那个初步即兴演奏的肉 - 他有一个非常酷的计算机零件,经文中正在发生的计算机噪音。

因此,当我进来时,我基本上只是在合唱中的即兴演奏上添加了更多的动作。我认为它可以回到旧的灌木丛中 - 旧的灌木丛歌曲上没有很多部分。喜欢,小东西– it’s basically one set of chord changes. When Gavin and I went on tour opening forU2,令我惊讶的是,他们的所有歌曲只是一部分,他们只是动态 - 他们上下上下。那对我来说是一个真正的教训。这首歌具有 - 主题的不同变化。”

布什的加文·罗斯代尔。图片:Thomsa Rabsch


加文·罗斯代尔(Gavin Rossdale):“我的摇滚生涯从来没有走过蓝调,但这可能是我最蓝调的即兴演奏。就在那儿,好吧,我希望它就像史蒂夫·雷·沃恩(Stevie Ray Vaughan)见面黑键!

“Each song is there to exist on its own and yet compliment the others. The record is really consistent – there’s two mellow tracks because nobody wants to be riffing for an entire record, that’s ridiculous. So just for the sake of decorum and dynamics, there’s a couple of mellow songs in there to pull at your heartstrings – if you have any feelings. And if you don’t, they won’t. If you just care about guitar, you won’t care about those songs!



