


每个好男孩都应该得到软糖。感谢西雅图的垃圾开拓者Mudhoney以及他们那个名字的出色大二专辑,我知道我的音乐字母以及作为点和线条写作时的外观。That’s not to say I understand any of the intricacies of music on the stave, just to say that I know the notes E, G, B, D and F live on the lines, and therefore that F, A, C and E sit in the spaces.

因此,这太好了,因此,从理论上讲,我可以像我相信音乐家一样将笔记翻译成我的“选择乐器”。Except not in my case, because besides playing the open strings in standard tuning to produce E, A, D, G, B and E again (and I’ll spare you the mnemonic that taught me that), I actually have no idea where the notes live on my guitar.

我在最近的专栏中谈到了练习C大型量表,以尝试开发音乐的耳朵开始,并利用本网站自己的和弦诊所专栏to begin to understand variations, so you’d think that I must be learning something about what note fretting a particular string in a particular place produces (and hopefully I am, though all musical progress is extraordinarily slow in my world) but I’d be the first to admit that the fretboard bewilders me. And we haven’t even talked about flats and sharps yet…




And if this column has a purpose, beyond hopefully entertaining my fellow hopeless players and giving the competent ones someone to laugh at, then it is to show that it’s never too late and that (hopefully) anything is possible in the world of guitar… even me understanding how one actually functions as a musical instrument. And maybe putting that knowledge to use, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


因此,我跳了出来,尽管我甚至还没有进入该细分市场的一半(让我们友善并称其为四分之一),但其中一些是有道理的。有点。Each fret represents a half-step, which should mean every other fret gives you an A, B, C, D, E, F or G. Except it doesn’t, because some notes don’t have flats or sharps, which is why some white keys on a piano don’t have black keys between them. Still with me? No, I’m not even still with myself.

我什至花了一点时间凝视Guitarsecrets.com的illustration of all the notes on a 22-fret fretboard, but just when I think I’m on to something with the idea that if you can find an A note, then move up the neck five frets and down one string to play another A, I try the same thing with E and it falls apart.


显然,有指板的模式,有了更多的帮助,我决心学习它,但是现在我只是复制老师,并试图记住我们所做的事情。记住东西不是我的力量,因此Fender Play的练习模式已成为我的朋友,我将提出重新审视这一点,直到它开始沉没为止。

The one thing I do know is that I haven’t read a single thing about learning the fretboard that claims it to be easy: it takes a lot of practice, it can be boring, short cuts don’t work… all phrases that usually see me running off to strum my way through my cheat’s version of美国没有名字的马再次。我想这次不是说,但这不是真的。我的意思是,我已经做了几次(泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)你是属于我的也是一个人的爱是不够的经过狂躁的街道传教士),但我要继续回到它,这就是区别。我是。诚实的…



