
Epiphone揭示了Joe Bonamassa的Lazarus 1959 Les Paul的签名娱乐活动


Epiphone已经宣布了新的Blues吉他手Les Paul模型乔·博纳马萨(Joe Bonamassa),1959年他传奇的娱乐活动吉布森爆发,拉撒路。

根据博纳马萨(Bonamassa)的说法,原始吉他是由拉卢西耶·戴利(La Luthier David Neely)带给他的,因为他在好莱坞的巴隆(Barone's)吃了肉丸。显然处于一种遗憾的状态,并已被红色修补 - 但是,博纳马萨偷偷怀疑磨损下方,而修补厂是圣杯 - 1959年的Les Paul Standard。

博纳马萨告诉我们去年关于吉他的状况: “At that point [Neely] had stripped all the parts off and put it in a box, and he said, ‘The guy wants it restored, but he only wants to give me like a thousand dollars!’ So I took a look at this guitar, and at this point, it was still red – and when I say they’d painted it red, I mean they’d painted it red. They’d even painted over the binding! Everything was red except the holly veneer on the headstock, in the cavities and in the back cavity – and thank goodness!”


His suspicion was confirmed when he took it to Neely’s workshop: “he pulls the box of parts and it’s two PAFs, two real M69s [pickup rings], all the tuners, the truss rod cover, the nickel hardware, the knobs, and I like it all. Then I take a look at the pots, and it’s the original harness, dated to the seventh week of 1959… and so I’m like, ‘Well if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, guess what it is?!’”



吉他的拾音器包括脖子上的吉布森爆炸2和桥上的burstbucker 3。颈部轮廓也采用拉撒路(Lazarus),它的C形与大多数59秒相同,但在尺度的较小端。

请参阅Bonamassa Play,并讨论Epiphone Recreation和下面的原始Lazarus。


吉他列出了$ 899。在


