
Jon Herington采访了稳定丹的道路上


自1993年在1993年从路上恢复录音和旅游活动以来,Steely Dan已经转向乔赫明顿来处理乐队的吉他职责。虽然沃尔特贝克仍然贡献美味的和弦着色和偶尔的独奏,但赫明顿现在已经表演了狮子的吉他工作的吉他工作,而不是在乐队40年的40年职业生涯中比其他任何吉他手都在工作时间。(他也扮演Becker和Fagen的独奏记录。)在深入研究一个冒险和流行的形容词的单个音节之前,以描述他的声音和技术,这是一个独自的事实,它被对赫明顿身材和风格的严重证明。足以说他是聪明的和弦言论和抒情独奏的主人,通常将两者融入一个柔滑的整体。




赫明顿:Well, in the beginning there was the Ed Sullivan show in 1964 with the Beatles – I began buying all the Beatle singles I loved, glued together a cardboard and construction paper replica of John Lennon’s Rickenbacker guitar, and developed a habit of jumping up and down on a discarded couch in the basement of my parents’ home strumming along to the 45’s playing on my little record player. Looking back, that feels like a formative moment, though it would be another four years before I began to play a real guitar in earnest.

我拍了一些钢琴课作为一个年轻人,我当时正在演奏萨克斯管,但我正在聆听和坠入爱河的音乐开始在那些年内越来越多地举起一个放大的电吉他的声音(64-68), and my attraction to those sounds and my hunger to understand what made that music ‘tick’ meant that it was inevitable that I learn to play the guitar. In the early days of my guitar playing, I didn’t think at all about a personal ‘voice,’ but spent countless hours dropping the needle on any songs I loved but hadn’t learned, in order to figure out how they were making those sounds I loved so much. I was a musical sponge, and all I wanted was to absorb all I could.

当我上大学时,吉他开始抢占其他两种乐器。在那里,有一些奇妙的纪律纪律的球员,很快就实现了我从未真正学到了如何练习,从来没有获得过多的技术,那就是那里的一个非常重要的世界,我最好专注于一个乐器,真正学习如何玩好吧。我选择了吉他,因为这是我所爱的音乐中所遗传的仪器,因为它是我最直观地发挥的乐器 - 它感觉更像是我的个性在我的吉他上过得多,而不是其他乐器。

然而,但事实上,我真的不认为我在吉他上宣传地在吉他上培养个人的“声音”,在我花了几年的学习爵士乐之后。我是如此令人震惊的是我听到的许多大爵士乐球员的个性和原创性,我开始渴望自己的象征声。我不认为我当时意识到唯一的发现方法是“内心”而不是听其他球员并试图刺激他们。当然有必要在学习演奏乐器和学习掌握类型时有模型,但原始的声音似乎是更个人搜索的结果发现你是如何听到和感受到的;发现对您和独特的自然是什么;你自己的道路。I feel like I was a little late to join the game that way, and that it’s only been in the last 20 years that I’ve begun to feel like I understand all of that and am able to let go of my habit of being ‘external’ and instead focus on the ‘internal,’ or my own way of doing music. It’s an ever-evolving process, but it seems clear to me that a commitment to one’s own musical ideas and personality does yield the most original rewards over time.




赫明顿:我并没有试镜。我的好朋友泰德·贝克(Ted Baker)当时正在为他们演奏键盘,有人请他推荐一位吉他手,为《Two Against Nature》(《违背自然》)的一些配音部分配音,他有我的第一张唱片,并为唐纳德和沃尔特(Donald and Walter)演奏了这张唱片。在那之后,我接到了第一个为他们工作的电话,并进行了一些会议,很快我也开始与他们一起进行现场工作。


赫明顿:好吧,我认为我对SD的经历可能是不同的,这是我对他们的音乐的大多数经历都在舞台上(尽管我也完成了很多录音)。Since we play the hits from so many records, and since there were so many great hired guitar players on the records (in addition to the ‘member’ guitar players, all remarkable players, too), I have to find a way to balance honoring the essence of the originals with the practical challenges of keeping all of it simple enough to manage and natural enough so that I feel like it’s a vital playing experience for me, and not just a job of imitating the originals. Only the guys who have done this gig live have to tackle that issue. When recording a new tune, there’s total freedom to bring your own thing to the music, since there are no precedents except the ones that the style of the music dictates. Overall, though, I guess I feel like my training has served me pretty well in preparing me for a job like SD. Theirs is a hybrid style, and to play it well requires a knowledge of a pretty wide range of American music, including soul, R&B, rock, jazz, lots of blues, and even a bit of country. It also requires familiarity with a lot of the sounds of those styles, too为了发挥这份工作,它有助于了解如何让布鲁斯,摇滚和爵士吉他声音。


赫明顿:通常,我首先尝试弄清楚独奏是整个音乐的贡献,以及什么是特殊的或独特的。然后我试图找到一种方法来学习如何即兴创作对我来说自然的独唱,适合原来的音乐的方式,以及我的房间让我以一个开放的方式随着时间的推移发展事情。有时它只是一个特定的声音可以让我在那里,其他时候它涉及对这个问题构成几个可能的解决方案,因此我可以学习最好的工作,并从中学习如何在现场舒适地即兴地推广。在某些情况下,似乎尊重原始的唯一方法就是直接引用它或某些部分。第三世界人来到思想 - 尽管尝试在那个曲调上即兴创造一个独唱可能很有趣,但我一直选择尽可能地像我所能一样玩它,因为它太美了,无法抗拒。


赫明顿:我对歌曲作用的大部分灵感来自对其他音乐和歌词的深厚。I am such a fan of so many great writers, and I’ve been so lucky to have a chance to get to know so much great music over the course of many years, that I just can’t resist the impulse to throw my two cents in, too. I love the process of searching for new musical discoveries, new lyrical ideas, as humble as they may be, and I love the process of solving the ‘puzzle’ of songwriting, where, once you’re convinced you have a worthwhile idea, you work it until you find the best solution you can. I’m a fan of the writers that most of the world seems to love – my taste isn’t all that esoteric. I love the stuff I grew up on, like the Beatles, Beach Boys, Stones, Motown, Cream, Hendrix, Zeppelin, Joni Mitchell, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, Dylan, Bob Marley, James Brown, Hank Williams, Tom Waits, Randy Newman, Paul Simon, James Taylor, Ray Charles, and all the jazz artists I grew to love, too, plus so many more. So when I write, I just dive in and see if I can come up with anything that approaches those impossibly high standards. Then, after a whole lot of work and time in some cases, I sort through the mess and try to find the best that I can do, and I go with that!




赫明顿:好吧,这很高的赞美,事实上,我很感激听到它。然而,谈到歌手,我担心我觉得它是一个俱乐部,我永远不会被允许加入!It is one of the most enjoyable things I do, but that might be partly because it’s so different from my life as a guitar player – I’ve never been a professional singer for hire the way I have been a guitar player for hire, so I’ve been able to do it pretty un-selfconsciously, without too much stressing about it. In spite of that, it always seems like a challenge to do it well, and I’m generally disappointed in my attempts. I’m forced to work with the limited instrument my voice is, but happy that over the years I’ve gotten better at finding out what kinds of songs and singing work best for me. I was always a fan of untrained pop singers anyway, and I like to do it so much that I can’t resist it.

I’d have to say my favorite singers are Ray Charles and Louis Armstrong, but I grew up loving the singing of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, early Bob Dylan, Greg Allman, Van Morrison, Bob Marley, and dozens of other pop singers of the time, all of whom had character to spare. I’ve always loved direct, natural, unaffected, unpretentious singing which allows the individual character of the person to come through the singing, but doesn’t let the singing get in the way of the expression of the lyrics.




赫明顿:嗯,这曲调可能有两首歌的起源,我可以想到,一个关于一些女孩的滚动石头 - 遥远的眼睛,我曾经玩过,并且总是被爱,另一个(我忘记了谁忘记了)record I used to own by Harry Nilsson, each of which has a ‘talking verse’ and a sung chorus. It’s certainly a country music convention, and it just seemed to fit the lyric material so well, that I took that approach.

在我的iTunes系列中,您会发现很多汉克威廉姆斯,乔治·琼斯和Patsy Cline,虽然我不是一般大乡村音乐侦听器。无论它所完成的风格如何,我都一直都找到了一件好的曲目,而且我知道在那种流派中有很多东西可以发现更多。

I find all genres have the potential to inspire me, but I’m actually trying to narrow my focus in my own work right now to try to create a sound and a style that feels as personal as possible and is as good a vehicle for my writing, my singing, and my guitar playing as possible.


赫明顿:The Jon Herington Band is what I would like to be my main project at some point, but I can’t pass up the touring work I do, since it’s a dream job for me, with lots of great music to play with the most fantastic musicians, and lots of space for my guitar playing. It has been a great thrill to get the band working more than ever, and it feels more comfortable and more fun the more we do it, so it will definitely be a priority for me, even if it means trying to shoehorn the shows into the days off of the major touring work. We have a new record in the works which really reflects what we’ve been doing live lately, too, and I’m looking forward to getting that out there, too.





