
你问:在收购Tweed AMP时,我会出去什么?


这是Paul Lacey的Query,他在寻找安静而真正的令人作呕的Tweed AMP。

保罗:“我想知道你是否可以帮助我?我正在为大型沉重的放大器进行排序。我有马歇尔andBlackstar.half stacks, aBlackstar.HT-1当我想在家庭卷中摇摆时,Laney Tony Iommi Combos Combos。我有一系列盒子的脚本板。我有我需要的吉他,但显然是一个吉他手,还有更多的我想要......

“现在我已经为挡泥板Tweed放大器的渴望而渴望,并且在哪里开始。According to the websites I’ve scoured, the whole range professes to have ‘that Fender sound’, but they all have different valves, controls, speakers, etc. What I’m after is an authentic tweed sound – despite the ISF, I can’t dial this in on the Blackstar’s however I try – at ‘man cave’ volumes. My heart says just suck it up and买双胞胎,但我的脑袋说,这将是足够的,以便将墙壁放在下面。I’m guessing somewhere in the one- to 10-watt range is what I’m looking at (I’d like to rock out so the valves are cooking on occasion), that gives me the classic cleans and break-up at a sensible volume.



Fender'57自定义Pro-AMP,在夏季发布NAMM 2016

嗨保罗。'Tweed Sound'已成为特定类型的音调的一点。对于我们大多数人来说,它意味着旧学校过载有脂肪中间,略微松散的低点和透明的高音,羞涩地羞于羞涩的玻璃状,你有时会得到以后的挡泥板设计。

这是没有“Tweed Sound”,因为挡泥板使用的不同阀门,扬声器配置和在整个20世纪50年代的电路设计。您可以从单卷控件的低瓦格冠军full-on fire-breathing Bassmans和高功率双胞胎,具有全面的TMB音调控制和存在。他们响起了世界。

You should be warned that even four-watt tweed champs are pretty loud. OK, they won’t shake out the windows but you can’t crank them up at night if you have tetchy neighbours or kids asleep upstairs. What we’d suggest is getting a medium-powered tweed and an attenuator. That way you can get tweed, Marshall and Blackstar overdrive tones at the ‘man cave’ levels you describe and you would have another giggable amp too. Also investigate tweed amps with power scaling.



Smaller tweeds based on the Champ, Princeton and Harvard models all have their charms, but then can sound a bit boxy. If you want tweed tone, you can’t go far wrong witha 5E3-style Deluxe那里有很多克隆。很多,喜欢Lazy JJ20,Seeley,Gartone Bluesman和Rift Tweed 15,在英国制作。您将从挡泥板,克拉克和维多利亚的喜欢的美国制作的Tweeds支付更多费用,并且一旦您获得了进口义务,可能会更加成本。

请记住,TWEED覆盖并不保证“TWEED TONE”。如果您可以在没有行李外观的情况下生活,请考虑卡车或者音调猎鹰格兰德。两者都基于Tweed电路加上,它们具有混响和内置衰减器。这裂痕PT20is another tweedy sounding amp with reverb and tremolo and almost instantaneous overdrive.

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