
老板与Sola Sound合作,用Waza Craft TB-2重新发明音调弯曲

这款备受挑剔的踏板是与传奇的英国踏板品牌的合作,重新构想了吉米·佩奇(Jimmy Page)在led Zeppelin中用作老板紧凑型单元的标志性MK II Fuzz Pedal。

老板终于抬起了面纱神秘的Waza手工艺踏板自上个月以来一直在取笑,结果是没人期望的 - 标志性的60年代音调Bender Mk II Fuzz Pedal的娱乐称为Waza Craft Tone Bender Bender TB-2W,与Sola Sound合作设计。

Designed by Gary Hurst and sold through Macari’s Musical Exchange shops, the original Sola Sound Tone Bender is one of the most important guitar pedals ever made, with the circuit (based on a Maestro Fuzz-Tone) being used as the basis for the Vox Tone Bender, Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face, Dallas Rangemaster and more.

The Mk II version is the cream of the crop, however – Jimmy Page got one in 1965 and the Tone Bender became an essential component of the early Led Zeppelin records, while it and identical units made for other brands (including Marshall’s SupaFuzz) featured on scores of other iconic songs during the period.



The TB-2W Tone Bender is described as an “authentic sonic recreation” of that legendary pedal, created in collaboration with the modern Sola Sound, which is still owned by Macari’s, and has been producing painstakingly accurate high-end recreations of the company’s original pedals for over a decade.

The TB-2W references a “masterpiece” Tone Bender MK II from Sola Sound’s archives, and visually tips its hat to the Mk II with the same silver textured finish to the classic compact pedal enclosure, plus chicken-head knobs and the same script livery as on the original.

TB-2W将在有限的生产运行中提供;每个单元都具有稀有的锗晶体管“精心测试以达到最佳音调”,以及三向电压选择器,True/Buffered Bypass操作选项和“精制电路设计”,以实现踏板之间的超持续性能。


This isn’t the first time that Boss has collaborated with a boutique pedal company – back in 2017 the Japanese giant teamed up with JHS to produce the Angry Driver in celebration of its 40th anniversary – but this is the first time that a collab has happened under the brand’s high-end Waza Craft banner.


吉他演奏世界已经对Waza Craft Tone Bender产生了极大的惊喜。许多人期望踏板是FZ-2 HyperFuzz的Waza版本。以前的Waza化身是经典老板踏板的高端重新解释,因此在紧凑的踏板围栏中对另一个品牌的踏板进行复古娱乐是很远的。


流行的吉他播客60周期嗡嗡声添加,“ waza音调弯曲者。那真是太疯狂了。”





