
Rivolta Combinata评论

丹尼斯·范诺(Dennis Fano)的吉他?我们采样了一个有趣的合作果实……

名字叫什么?毫无疑问,您会意识到,Fano吉他的同名创始人丹尼斯·范诺(Dennis Fano),最近在诺维吉他的横幅下在宾夕法尼亚州弗利特伍德(Fleetwood)建造了出色的偏移型电气。

我们演奏的Novo乐器都很难放下。然而,尽管丹尼斯·范诺(Dennis Fano)现在经常被发现居住在精品店 - 电子树的最高分支中,但这并没有阻止他寻求一种使他的设计更实惠和可容纳吉他公众的方法

与Eastwood Guitars的Mike Robinson合作,这家公司以Harmony and Airline等人的价格适用于老式的Pawnshop和Catalog Guitars闻名,Fano的最新业务发现他通过Eastwood的现有设施和分销渠道设计了生产和分销的工具。


丹尼斯(Dennis)解释说:“拉丁·诺夫斯(Latin Novus)的“ Novo”表示新的 - 新的Eastwood Marded Electrics的名字贴上了具有类似灵感的名称,正如Dennis解释的那样:“ Rivolta是意大利语的“起义”。Rivolta的计划是为我的一些早期工作做新鲜的工作。我们称其为“进化设计”。

The striking, colour-matched headstock design, with Wilkinson tuners

如果您喜欢在这些页面上看到的内容,您会很高兴知道Combinata只是新的Rivolta系列中的第一款模型。丹尼斯说:“ Fano的后背目录和Rickenbacker 1950年代输出的学生会发现熟悉的大纲:“这是我RB6设计的不太遥不可及的表亲,”丹尼斯说。“ Combinata是意大利人的'组合' - 我之所以选择这个名字,是因为RB6的灵感是Rickenbacker Combo 800。


How does the process of designing instruments that are manufactured in South Korea compare with overseeing bespoke builds in a small workshop environment? “Partnering with Mike Robinson and working with his team at Eastwood Guitars has been great. They’ve been working with the overseas factories for many years, but it’s brand-new territory for me.


“Initially, I figured that I’d have to make a few compromises in order to get these instruments made, but that has not been the case. The process has actually been a lot of fun and the build quality of these guitars is excellent. I am really impressed with the look, the feel, the tone and the playability of these guitars.”

With its dramatic, sweeping German carve, the double-bound Combinata is a cool-looking creature, presented here in a metallic Adriatic Blue finish that’s probably closest to Ocean Turquoise in terms of the vintage Fender/DuPont colour palette. We suspect that the level of visual bling may polarise opinion – just look at those iridescent, genuine mother of pearl fretboard inlays – but the less retrofuturistic colour scheme of the maple-top Autunno Burst model is well worth checking out if you are more conservatively minded.


卸下丙烯酸刮擦板可显示全尺寸的500K音量和音调盆以及不错的接线标准。韩国制造的三向切换开关在容纳其电子设备的盒子侧面盖了“ JA”。这是一种经济选择,尽管其操作有点僵硬,但至少将有助于防止在不合时宜的时刻右臂不小心切换拾音器。Novanta P-90拾音器本身就是一个现成的解决方案。Fano说,他“能够将输出和磁铁规定为我的喜好”。

由于上带按钮的位置以及穿过木木屋主体中心的较大的固体部分,因此束缚的平衡非常出色。进入最高品格的访问略有障碍,但至少有24个 - 玩家习惯于21或22杆脖子,可能并不需要北向北。

Rivolta Combinata使用

There’s something about a wrapover bridge and a pair of soapbars that gets those in the know excited – for all the Combinata’s slightly kitsch stylings, plug this into a non-master volume amp such as a tweed or old Marshall, crank the amp until it’s loud and overdriven and you’ll find yourself grasping the reins of a muscular rock ’n’ roll animal.

It sets our pulse racing – it really does – but also stays well behaved enough in terms of noise for proper stage use. Anyone who has seen footage of The Who at The Isle Of Wight or heard Live At Leeds will know that a pair of P-90s will also hollow out when you roll back the volume, giving you access to cleaner, almost acoustic-sounding tones great for Townshend-style strumming. It doesn’t do the near-supernatural pseudo-acoustic upper harmonics of a 1950s Gibson solidbody loaded with P-90s, but it would be unfair to expect that from a brand-new instrument at this price point.

Compared directly to one of Dennis’ high-spec Novos fitted with Amalfitano P-90s that we had on hand during the testing process, the Combinata actually shouts slightly louder, with more grind and attitude – it’s not quite as refined, but isn’t a voice that feels like any kind of compromise.



Although the big frets and 25-inch scale length make string-bending easy, the Combinata’s slightly clipped decay above the 12th fret suits taut, wiry lead passages far better than it does slow, languid bends.

If you’re wondering whether this is a cheap Fano or an upscale Eastwood, the answer is… in many ways, it’s both. The poly finish feels more like standard Eastwood fare and it’s undeniable that what you get for your money from Dennis’ high-end instruments is a more crafted, organic feel with more personality and attention to detail. However, for a third of the price of a Novo, it’s hard to complain about an instrument that, aside from a little scruffiness around the fingerboard binding, has been built very cleanly.

Overall, the first Rivolta model represents a hugely successful collaboration that brings Dennis Fano’s design to a price point that a much wider audience can access – this can only be a positive, so we look forward to seeing what shape the next Rivolta takes.

里沃尔塔Key features

BUILDChambered, double-bound mahogany body with German-carved mahogany top, set maple ‘C+’ neck with bound 12-inch radius rosewood fingerboard, mother-of-pearl block inlays, 24 medium-jumbo frets
ELECTRICS2x Rivolta Novanta P-90拾音器,音量,音调,三向切换拾音器选择器开关
SCALElength 25-inch
STRING SPACING螺母34.8毫米,桥梁52.5mm
结束Adriatic Blue Metallic (as reviewed), Pomodoro Red Metallic, Toro Black Metallic, Autunno Burst. Autunno Burst features a maple top. Deluxe Trem models in all finishes are £1,259
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